wolski 发表于 2024-6-5 01:14:04

Minecraft 1.21 Pre-Release 2(未翻译)

来源:https://www.minecraft.net/zh-han ... -1-21-pre-release-2

We're rounding out the week with the second Pre-Release of 1.21, with a lot of bug fixes. In case you did not catch the news, the full release of 1.21 is planned for the 13th of June!
Happy mining!
[*]End Crystals are now immune to fire damage
[*]Added an attestation checkbox when submitting a player report
[*]Heavy Core, Trident and Mace are now considered of Epic rarity, giving their hover text a purple color
Technical Changes
[*]Data Pack version is now 47
Data Pack Version 47
[*]Added new placement modifier type fixed_placement to place features in a set of fixed positions
[*]Added new feature type end_platform for the obsidian platform in the end
Fixed bugs in 1.21 Pre-Release 2
[*]MC-223165 - The Snout Banner Pattern is treated as common in the game.
[*]MC-269359 - "Field Masoned", "Skull Charge", "Flow", and "Guster" banner patterns are not mirrored on the backside
[*]MC-269389 - Flow banner pattern is treated as common loot
[*]MC-269390 - Guster banner pattern is treated as common loot
[*]MC-270033 - Infested or Oozing effect cloud shrinks when silverfish or slime enters it
[*]MC-271199 - Advancement 'Local Brewery' not granted on shift-clicking
[*]MC-271754 - Copper doors can be used as furnace fuel
[*]MC-271887 - Your FOV doesn't change back to normal after jumping off from soul sand/soul soil while wearing soul speed boots
[*]MC-271892 - Your FOV doesn't immediately change when jumping onto soul sand/soul soil while having the slow falling effect and wearing soul speed boots
[*]MC-272224 - 'in_bounding_box' vertical position for 'spawn_particles' effect is anchored incorrectly
[*]MC-272241 - Error when traveling through nether portal outside world border
[*]MC-272333 - The gamerule spawnRadius doesn't work anymore on respawn (always respawn at the same place)
[*]MC-272547 - block.portal.travel sound no longer plays when entering End portal
[*]MC-272550 - End crystals now receive fire damage causing them to explode instantly
[*]MC-272553 - Naturally generated End Stone drops in cases where the Obsidian platform generates inside the island
[*]MC-272556 - Ender pearls don't work correctly when riding entities and cause players to be teleported for a split second
[*]MC-272559 - Players cannot traverse dimensions when throwing ender pearls into portals while riding entities
[*]MC-272563 - The ender dragon death animation is rendered behind blocks when using "Fabulous!" graphic settings
[*]MC-272571 - Server crashes upon updating from 24w21b to 1.21 Pre-release 1.
[*]MC-272583 - Each time you pass through an end gateway with an ender pearl from the main island, a new portal is created
[*]MC-272585 - Crash when bow or crossbow enchanted with multishot runs out of durability
[*]MC-272588 - Wind Charges can trigger Wind Burst
[*]MC-272595 - Breaking a Carrot/Warped Fungus on a Stick no longer gives a Fishing Rod
[*]MC-272596 - Throwing an ender pearl into the end fountain skips the credits
[*]MC-272625 - Game crashes when saving after teleporting a leashed entity to another dimension
[*]MC-272638 - Leads attached to a boat are deleted when breaking the boat
[*]MC-272639 - trial_spawner_bottom texture is different from Bedrock
[*]MC-272650 - Can respawn mid-air with default spawnpoint

Get the Pre-Release
Pre-Releases are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. To install the Pre-Release, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab.
Testing versions can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
Cross-platform server jar:

[*]Minecraft server jar
Report bugs here:

[*]Minecraft issue tracker!
Want to give feedback?
[*]For any feedback and suggestions on our upcoming 1.21 features, head over to the dedicated Feedback site category. You can also leave any other feedback on the Feedback site. If you're feeling chatty, join us over at the official Minecraft Discord.

MRTangwin8 发表于 2024-6-5 01:29:01


本周我们将发布 1.21 的第二个预发布版本,其中包含大量错误修复。如果您没有收到消息,1.21 正式版计划于 6 月 13 日发布!
数据包版本现在为 47
数据包版本 47
添加了新的放置修饰符类型 fixed_placement,可将特性放置在一组固定位置上
为末端的黑曜石平台添加了新的功能类型 end_platform
修复了 1.21 Pre-Release 2 中的错误
MC-223165 - 鼻旗图案在游戏中被视为常见图案。
MC-269359 - "Field Masoned"、"Skull Charge"、"Flow "和 "Guster "旗帜图案的背面没有镜像
MC-269389 - "流动 "旗帜图案被视为普通战利品
MC-269390 - Guster旗帜图案被视为普通战利品
MC-270033 - 银鱼或粘液进入时,侵染或渗出效果云会缩小
MC-271199 - 等级提升 "本地酿酒厂 "在点击shift键时不生效
MC-271754 - 铜门可以用作熔炉燃料
MC-271887 - 穿灵魂速度靴从灵魂沙/灵魂土壤上跳下后,你的视场角不会变回正常值
MC-271892 - 穿上灵魂速度靴并具有缓慢下落效果时,从灵魂沙/灵魂土壤上跳下后,你的视场角不会立即改变
MC-272224 - "生成粒子 "效果的 "in_bounding_box "垂直位置锚定错误
MC-272241 - 在世界边界外穿越阴界传送门时出错
MC-272333 - 游戏规则 "重生半径 "在重生时不再起作用(总是在同一个地方重生)
MC-272547 - 进入末端传送门时不再播放 block.portal.travel 声音
MC-272550 - 末端水晶现在会受到火焰伤害,导致其瞬间爆炸
MC-272553 - 当黑曜石平台在岛屿内生成时,自然生成的终结石会掉落
MC-272556 - 艾德珍珠在骑乘实体时无法正常工作,并导致玩家被瞬间传送
MC-272559 - 玩家在骑乘实体时将终结者珍珠扔进传送门时无法穿越维度
MC-272563 - 当使用 "Fabulous!"图形设置时,终结者巨龙的死亡动画会呈现在方块后面
MC-272571 - 从 24w21b 更新到 1.21 Pre-release 1 时服务器崩溃。
MC-272583 - 每次从主岛使用终结者珍珠通过终结门户时,都会创建一个新的门户
MC-272585 - 装有多连发的弓或弩的耐久度耗尽时会崩溃
MC-272588 - 风力冲锋可以触发风力爆发
MC-272595 - 打破胡萝卜/木棍上的蘑菇不再提供鱼竿
MC-272596 - 将终结者珍珠扔进终结喷泉会跳过片头字幕
MC-272625 - 将拴着的实体传送到另一个空间后保存时游戏崩溃
MC-272638 - 打碎船时,连接在船上的引线会被删除
MC-272639 - 试用者底部的纹理与基岩不同
MC-272650 - 可以使用默认的重生点在空中重生

预发行版可用于威廉与魔兽争霸:Java 版。要安装预发行版,请打开威廉与发射器并在 "安装 "选项卡中启用快照。
跨平台服务器 jar:
Minecraft 服务器 jar
Minecraft 问题跟踪器!
如果您对我们即将推出的 1.21 功能有任何反馈和建议,请前往专门的 "反馈 "站点类别。您还可以在 "反馈 "网站上留下任何其他反馈。如果您感觉很健谈,请加入我们的官方威廉与魔法 Discord。
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